A coffee machine full of great innovations that guarantee constant results. The innovative Aurelia Wave continues to amaze. The design stands out at first sight, as well as its ergonomic features and above all the integrated technologies. These include Pulse Jet Technology, exclusively patented by Nuova Simonelli. This has immediately won over baristas and coffee chains. Pulse Jet Technology involves pre-infusion and pulsed infusion to optimize extraction. By pulsing water onto the coffee powder, the powder expands giving better water percolation. With the Pulse-Jet technology we split the entire extraction in three phases: the pre-infusion, the infusion and the post-infusion (tail). For each of the three phases barista can choose for how much time to send the water and for how long he would like to make the break. Barista can define how long the break should be and when again the water should come. This innovative technology is extremely simple to use and gives constant results throughout the entire working day. From the display a barista can easily program the duration and frequency of the water pulse. This enables to highlight southern flavours for example fruitness or floral notes and to enhance the entire cup profile. In this way barista can reduce, for example, the bitterness in the aftertaste or increase the body or even give more sweetness to the cup profile. Because this is what coffee lovers like. Nuova Simonelli waits for you at Sigep (Rimini Italy) hall D3 stand #031 to discover all the benefits and to learn more how Pulse-Jet technology can enhance your coffee quality.