During this moment caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, many bars, restaurants, and coffee shop chains are forced to close their activities temporarily. The closure implicates some fundamental procedures to avoid wasting energy and correctly maintain the machines to guarantee a quick and optimal restarting once the businesses re-open.
Below, Nuova Simonelli prepared a quick and easy to-do-list for the temporary shutdown of the machines and grinders:
- Perform full back flush;
- Clean thoroughly on the shower screens and steam wands and around the seals;
- Flush lots of hot soapy water down the drain;
- Flush lots of hot soapy water down the pitcher rinsed after the cleaning is done;
- Empty the grinder hopper and grind all beans through until empty;
- Switch off the power. On the right hand side under the machine and at the wall;
- Close the main water tap connecting water to the machine.
In the restarting phase of the activities, which we hope will be as soon as possible, the operations include:
- Switch ON the machine;
- Purge all the groups for a long time (1lt of water per group);
- Pour hot water from the hot water wand (once the machine is ON and reached the 1.2 bar) to exchange the water in the main boiler with fresh water. It is enough around 4-5 lt for the 2 groups and 6-7 lt for the 3 groups.
The attention given to the machines and grinders, from the designing phase up until production, urges Nuova Simonelli to broadcast information for a correct maintenance of the devices. It is thanks to such support that coffee machines and grinders can guarantee high performance and quality of the product and, of course, a longer duration.